Disney reveals ‘VertiGo’ wall climbing robot

The wall-climbing robot called VertiGo is invented by Disney which is equipped with four wheels and two propellers, which allow it flip upward and move from the ground to the wall. It can drive smoothly on a vertical surface, maintaining its hold even when perpendicular to the ground.

About VertiGo:

  1. It is equipped with four wheels and two propellers.
  2. It can drive smoothly on a vertical surface, maintaining its hold even when perpendicular to the ground.
  3. It aims to make robots more versatile for both urban and indoor environments.
  4. The unique design allows the robot to drive over grass, hard ground, and even indented surfaces.
  5. VertiGo has one steerable pair of wheels.
  6. In order to drive up walls, VertiGo has two propellers mounted on its back; while the rear propeller thrusts toward the wall, the other thrusts upward.
  7. The propellers can be adjusted to two degrees of freedom.

Click the link below to see the VertiGO:


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