National Consumer Rights Day is observed on December 24

History of Consumer Rights Day: How Consumer Protection Began

When the Consumer Protection Act was passed in India in 1986, it was a big step forward. The goal of this law was to protect customers from dangers like bad products, bad services, and unfair business practices.

National Consumer Rights Day is celebrated every year on December 24, which is the day the act was signed into law by the president.

consumer day

consumer day

People have six basic rights that protect them from being taken advantage of.

The Consumer Protection Act of 1986 gives people six basic rights that are meant to give them more power:

  • Right to Safety: Making sure people are safe from dangerous goods or services.
  • The right to choose means giving people the freedom to choose from different goods and services.
  • The right to be informed means giving people correct and full information about goods and services.
  • Right to be Heard: Giving customers a way to voice their concerns and views.
  • Right to Seek Redress: Allowing customers to get money or an answer to their problems.
  • Right to Consumer Education: Teaching people about their rights and duties as customers.

Consumer Protection Act 2019: Making the Base Stronger

As the market changed in 2019, changes were made to the customer Protection Act that made customer rights even stronger.

These changes, which took effect on July 20, 2020, made the act cover more things. For example, they added rules against false product descriptions, misleading ads, and promises of goods and services.

The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) is there to protect people from being lied to.

The new version of the law set up the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA), whose job it is to punish companies that run ads that are false or confusing. The goal of this move was to protect consumers better and make businesses more responsible.

Why National Consumer Rights Day is Important in India

World Consumer Rights Day is a very important time to speak out for consumer rights. Some of its main goals are:

Protection Against Market Abuse: Making sure that customers are safe from unfair business practices in the marketplace.
Giving People More Power: The Consumer Protection Act has given people more power to demand that the products and services they use are safe, of good quality, and fair.
Chance to Speak Out: The day gives consumers a one-of-a-kind chance to share their concerns and fight against different kinds of exploitation.
Effects on Businesses: The Consumer Protection Act has changed how businesses deal with issues and talk to their customers. It has also helped consumers.


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