Indian Piracy Survivor Chirag Bahiri Won Award For his Efforts To Rescue Victims

Indian maritime expert Chirag Bahri has won a prestigious international award for his efforts to rescue and support victims of piracy on the high seas.

About Chirag Bahiri: 

Chirag Bahri is regional director for South Asia of the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme (MPHRP). he received the Dr Dierk Lindemann Welfare Personality of the Year Award at a ceremony organized at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The event was hosted by the International Seafarers’ Welfare & Assistance Network (ISWAN).

This award is named after Dr Dierk Lindemann who was managing director of the German Ship Owners’ Association and Ship Owners’ Group spokesperson at the ILO. It is sponsored by the International Chamber of Shipping. IMO secretary general Koji Sekimizu presented the award to Bahri in recognition of his work in assisting and supporting seafarers in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka who were survivors of maritime piracy.

His Contribution:

Bahri has personally monitored the rehabilitation of crews of the Albedo, Iceberg 1 and Royal Grace in South Asia.

Bahri also provided assistance to the seafarers’ families during the time they were held captive.

Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme (MPHRP), Bahri organized family support sessions and piracy awareness training programmes for seafarers.

He has also established good links with regional governments in South Asia and with the maritime industry who came forward to assist these seafarers with jobs on board ship upon their release.


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