No speedy fixes for developing world’s solid waste management crisis

No speedy fixes for developing world’s solid waste management crisis: As the world population, economy and consumption grows, a complex and multi-dimensional approach is needed to manage a rising tide of solid waste, researchers say in a study published in the journal Waste Management.

The developing world’s population, economy, and consumption are growing, and that means more and more solid waste. A complex and multi-dimensional approach — taking into account the environment, socio-cultural practices, legal issues and economics — is needed to solve these challenges of waste management.

Not only this, new and emerging industries also need to comply with the environmental regulations that keep a check on the solid waste that might be hazardous. From contacting scrap metal dealers to employing proper and efficient ways to dispose of the scrap – businesses should take care in the way they go about dumping their waste products. Since disposing of any such waste in a fertile area might prove problematic for the residents as well as its flora and fauna; in abiding by the environment-related laws and permits, at least a company can make sure that their business doesn’t hinder the natural progress of that region. Firms like RSB Environmental might prove helpful for businesses looking to get it done by experts.

Research Highlights:

Based on an analysis of the data, her study outlines the stakeholders to be considered and the basic elements and aspects that must be taken into consideration for a successful waste management system, whether that be handled by the kind of company that handles skip bins for hire sydney has, or whether that is related to the processing of collected waste after the fact.


There are no magical solutions or quick fixes in waste management. There are paths to follow for the prevention, reduction, reuse, recycle and safe disposal of waste.” The solution is not simply to import modernized trucks and technologies or to improve roads. Abarca-Guerrero has come to this conclusion after poring through the scientific literature, existing databases, and traveling to 22 countries all over the world on four continents.


“I’ve always said that if the developed world could manage the situation, we can in the developing world because they are not smarter than we are,” Abarca-Guerrero added. With this she means that the developing countries can, using their own resources, face the challenges. Also, the developing world countries must not be tempted by the idea that their problems can be solved by buying modernized equipment as seen in other parts of the world.Ultimately, the challenge is to move waste from one place to another and to address the many factors along the way that influence and potentially interrupt that flow. The awareness and involvement of citizens is an especially critical part of the equation

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