Synonyms Quiz

Q(1-20)In the following questions choose the word in bold letters which is the exact SAME MEANING of the given words.

(a) Rank
(b) Bonus
(c) Duty
(d) None of these

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Ans-(a) Rank -level,rank,grade,step,rung,tier,position,order
a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.

(a) jobless
(b) company
(c) Tasteless
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) Tasteless-monotonous, humdrum, prosaic, monotone, vapid, flavorless
offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.

3. Excruciate
(a) Refine
(b) Torture
(c) Refund
(d) None of these

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Ans- (b) Torture-persecute, torture, bedevil, victimize, tantalize, torment
torment (someone) physically or mentally.

(a) Opposite
(b) infest
(c) stolid
(d) None of these

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Ans-(a) Opposite -expostulation, Contention, Contradiction, contraposition, Contravention, antithesis.
a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.

(a) Margin
(b) Party
(c) farewell
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) farewell -parting, farewell, valediction, vale, dismissal, send-off.
the action of saying farewell.

(a) Warning
(b) Fix
(c) Value
(d) None of these

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Ans- (a) Warning – alert, caveat, alarm, caution, admonition
an act or action of admonishing; authoritative counsel or warning.

(a) Hang
(b) Hide
(c) Impede
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) Impede-hamper, obstruct,impede,inhibit,retard,balk,prevent,thwart,foil,curb.
create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction.

(a) fear
(b) Exhaust
(c) Alert
(d) None of these

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Ans- (b) Exhaust – use up,consume,expend
use up the supply or resources of.

(a) Apply
(b) Wither
(c) Analyze
(d) None of these

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Ans- (b) Wither-wasting,emaciation,withering,shriveling,shrinking,decay,decline,deterioration
the process of atrophying or state of having atrophied.

(a) Bring
(b) Process
(c) Unity
(d) None of these

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Ans- (a) Bring- fetch, bring in, introduce, introduce oneself, do.
go for and then bring back (someone or something).

(a) Weak
(b) Lonely
(c) Task
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) Task-task,job,chore,assignment,collection,delivery,mission,undertaking.

(a) Offer
(b) Sicken
(c) Decent
(d) None of these

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Ans-(b) Sicken-loathe, hate, detest, abhor, execrate.
make (someone) feel sick; affect with nausea.

(a) Difficulties
(b) look forward
(c) Dreary
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) Dreary -mundane,dull,boring,tedious,monotonous,uninvolving,prosaic.
lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous.

(a) collection
(b) Thoughtful
(c) colorless
(d) None of these

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Ans- (b) Thoughtful-reflective,wistful.
engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.

(a) Withdraw
(b) Message
(c) Agitation
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) Agitation – discomposre, feverishly, feverishness
violent or unsteady movement of air or water, or of some other fluid.

(a) Dim
(b) Dignity
(c) fat
(d) None of these

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Ans- (a) Dim -dark,gloomy,gray,leaden,dull.
dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.

(a) Indefensible
(b) Unable
(c) Phobia
(d) None of these

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Ans- (a) Indefensible
grossly unfair and morally wrong.

(a) Moral
(b) Thick
(c) vague
(d) None of these

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Ans- (c) vague -indistinct,indefinite,unclear.
In the form of a cloud or haze.

(a) Wrong
(b) proofread
(c) Recycle
(d) None of these

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Ans- (b) proofread-correct,right,put right,sort out.
put (something) right; correct.

(a) Bright
(b) Charming
(c) Magician
(d) None of these

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Ans-(c) Magician- quack,sham,fraud,fake,impostor.
a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud.