Reasoning Quiz for IBPS| SBI – 288

Ruchi, Ravi, Roshani, Ritesh, Ram, Rishabh, Ruby and Ramola are sitting around a circular area at equal distance between each other but not necessarily in the same order. Some people face the centre while some face outward (i.e. in a direction opposite the centre.) Ravi sits third to the right of Ram. Ram faces outward. Only one person sits between Ravi and Rishabh. Both the immediate neighbours of Rishabh face outward. Only three persons sit between Ruby and Ramola. Ruby is not an immediate neighbours of Ravi. Both the immediate neighbours of Ritesh face the centre. Ritesh is not an immediate neighbor of Ruby. Both the immediate neighbours of Roshani face the centre. Both the immediate neighbours of Ram face a direction opposite that of Ruby (i.e. if Ruby faces the centre then both the immediate neighbours of Ram face outward and vice versa.)

1)Which of the following is TRUE regarding Ruchi as per the given arrangement?
a) Ramola is on the immediate neighbours of Ruchi
b) Ruchi faces the centre
c) Ruchi sits third to the left of Ritesh
d) Only three persons sit between Ruchi and Rishabh
e) None of the given options is true

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Answer c) Ruchi sits third to the left of Ritesh

2)Who is sitting on the immediate right of Ritesh?
a) Ravi
b) Ram
c) Ruchi
d) Ramola
e) Roshani

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Answer a) Ravi

3)What is Ruby’s position with respect of Roshani?
a) Fifth to the right
b) Second to the right
c) Third to the right
d) On the immediate left
e) Fourth to the right

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Answer d) On the immediate left

4)Who among the following is immediate neighbours of Rishabh?
a) Ramola, Ram
b) Ritesh, Ram
c) Ruby, Ramola
d) Ruchi, Ruby
e) Ruchi, Roshani

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Answer a) Ramola, Ram

5)Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and so from a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) Ravi
b) Roshani
c) Ramola
d) Ritesh
e) Ruby

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Answer c) Ramola

Directions(6-10): In each question below are given three statements followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

Some biscuits are chocolates.
No chocolate is a pastry.
All pastry are cakes.
I)No biscuit is a pastry.
II)Some cakes are biscuits.
IIINo pastry is a chocolate.
a) Only I follows
b) Both I and II follow
c) Only III follows
d) All follow
e) None of these

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Answer c) Only III follows

Some cars are jeeps.
Some jeeps are scooters.
All scooters are motorcycles.
I)Some jeeps are motorcycles.
II)All motorcycles being cars is a possibility.
III)All cars being scooters is a possibility.
a) Only I follows
b) Both I and II follow
c) Only III follows
d) All follow
e) None of these

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Answer d) All follow

Some books are papers.
All papers are pencils.
Some pencils are copies.
I)Some books are copies.
II)Some books are pencils.
III)Some papers are copies.
a) Only II follows
b) Both I and III follow
c) Only II and III follow
d) All I, II and III follow
e) None follows

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Answer a) Only II follows

No cat is a dogs.
Some dogs are camels.
No camel is a rat.
I)Some camels are not cat.
II)Some cat are not rat.
III)Some rat are not dogs.
a) Only I and II follow
b) Only I and III follow
c) Only II and III follow
d) Only II follows
e) All follows

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Answer b) Only I and III follow

All digits are numbers.
Some numbers are alphabets.
All alphabets are vowels.
I)All digits being vowels is a possibility
II)Some numbers are vowels.
III)Some numbers are digits.
a) All follow
b) Only II and III follow
c) Only I and III follow
d) None follows
e) None of these

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Answer a) All follow