October 12 – World Arthritis Day

World Arthritis Day is observed on October 12. The day was first observed in 1996 by Arthritis Rheumatism International and is now a worldwide event, bringing arthritis sufferers together to get their voices heard. World Arthritis Day aims to raise awareness of the condition and make sure that sufferers and caregivers know all the support and help that is available to them.

Throughout the world millions of people are getting help dealing with their arthritis, their lives being changed by the sometimes constant pain of inflamed joints. Arthritis is cleanly summed up in its name, is derived from the Greek words arthro, meaning joint, and itis, meaning inflammation. Arthritis was first closely examined and classified in William Musgraves’s work, De Arthritide symptomatic, written in 1715. There can be many ways to manage arthritis – medication, acupuncture, physiotherapy (along with the occasional use of the best elbow brace for tennis elbow), and sometimes surgery help reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Some people make use of pure CBD oil and cream for their anti-inflammatory properties. However, the availability of pure cannabis oil is scarce, except in some dispensaries like Blessed CBD.

This year’s theme for World Arthritis Day is ‘It’s in your hands, take action’.

  • Arthritis is a degenerative and painful medical condition marked by inflammation in the joints that can lead to pain and stiffness.
  • There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease).
  • There is no known cure for either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.
  • In general, studies have shown that physical exercise of the affected joint can have noticeable improvement in terms of long-term pain relief. Some will exercise in conjunction with using products like 1500mg CBD Oil Drops which have purported pain-relieving effects, amongst other mental health benefits too. It’s actually quite common for arthritis sufferers to give CBD a try.
  • Arthritis is predominantly a disease of the elderly, but children can also be affected by the disease.

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