MyShake App to detect earthquake launched in Android

University of California, Berkeley scientists have developed an Android app that can detect earthquakes using smartphones. Called MyShake, it is available in the Google Play Store. The app intends to collate user data in order to determine the magnitude of earthquakes and issue alerts to potential victims in and around affected areas. The scientists have designed the app in such a way that it can analyse various levels of vibrations picked up by a smartphone’s inbuilt accelerometer to determine the size and threat of earthquakes.

Richard Allen, director of the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory and the project app lead, said: “MyShake can make earthquake early warning faster and more accurate in areas that have a traditional seismic network, and can provide life-saving early warning in countries that have no seismic network.”

The app operates on a highly sophisticated algorithm designed to distinguish between movements produced by humans and earthquakes, which could rule out the possibility of false alarms. The app has so far had 93% accuracy in detecting earthquake vibrations when tested in simulations.

MyShake has been rolled out to Android smartphones and an iOS compatible version is slated to be released soon. Complete rollout of its services, including early warning alerts, should take place once the app has moved from all private and public testing phases.