GK Quiz on the United Nations

Test your knowledge with our engaging GK Quiz on the United Nations! Explore questions on its history, key missions, and global impact. Challenge yourself and learn more about this vital international organization.

GK Quiz on United Nations (1)

GK Quiz on the United Nations

1: When was the United Nations established?
a) 1942
b) 1945
c) 1950
d) 1960

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Answer: b) 1945

2: Which country is home to the United Nations headquarters?
a) Switzerland
b) France
c) United States
d) Belgium

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Answer: c) United States

3: What is the main purpose of the United Nations?
a) Promote world domination
b) Maintain international peace and security
c) Promote the interests of a single country
d) Establish a global government

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Answer: b) Maintain international peace and security

4: How many official languages are recognized by the United Nations?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

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Answer: b) 4

5: Which of the following is not one of the principal organs of the United Nations?
a) International Court of Justice
b) United Nations Security Council
c) United Nations Human Rights Council
d) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

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Answer: d) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

6: The United Nations was established after which major global conflict?
a) World War I
b) Cold War
c) Korean War
d) World War II

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Answer: d) World War II

7: How many non-permanent members are there in the United Nations Security Council?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20

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Answer: b) 10

8: What is the name of the United Nations agency dedicated to providing assistance and protection to refugees?
b) WHO
d) IMF

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Answer: c) UNHCR

9: Which document serves as the foundation of international human rights law and was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948?
a) Universal Declaration of Independence
b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
c) Universal Declaration of Sovereignty
d) Universal Declaration of Liberty

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Answer: b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

10: Who was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations?
a) Winston Churchill
b) Franklin d) Roosevelt
c) Dag Hammarskjöld
d) Trygve Lie

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Answer: d) Trygve Lie

11: Which of the following is an official peacekeeping mission conducted by the United Nations?
a) Operation Desert Storm
b) Operation Iraqi Freedom
c) Operation Enduring Freedom

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Answer: d) UNMISS

12: What is the United Nations’ specialized agency responsible for the promotion of education and culture?

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Answer: c) UNESCO

13: Which organ of the United Nations is responsible for resolving legal disputes between states?
a) United Nations Security Council
b) United Nations General Assembly
c) International Court of Justice
d) United Nations Economic and Social Council

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Answer: c) International Court of Justice

14: In which city is the United Nations Office at Vienna located?
a) Vienna, Austria
b) Geneva, Switzerland
c) New York City, USA
d) Nairobi, Kenya

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Answer: a) Vienna, Austria

15: Which United Nations agency is primarily responsible for public health matters and international health regulations?
b) WHO

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Answer: b) WHO

16: What is the United Nations’ development agency that aims to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development?
b) WHO

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Answer: d) UNDP

17: How often does the United Nations General Assembly hold its regular sessions?
a) Annually
b) Biennially
c) Every 5 years
d) When deemed necessary

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Answer: a) Annually

18: Which country is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and holds the power of veto?
a) Japan
b) Germany
c) China
d) India

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Answer: c) China

19: What does the acronym “UNICEF” stand for?
a) United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
b) United Nations International Crisis and Emergency Foundation
c) United Nations Intercontinental Community Education Fund
d) United Nations Integrated Child and Family Enrichment

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Answer: a) United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

20: The United Nations observes a day dedicated to raising awareness about global issues. What is it called?
a) World Peace Day
b) International Day of Human Rights
c) Earth Day
d) International Day of Peace

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Answer: d) International Day of Peace

21: Which United Nations body is responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security?
a) United Nations General Assembly
b) United Nations Security Council
c) United Nations Economic and Social Council
d) United Nations Trusteeship Council

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Answer: b) United Nations Security Council

22: What is the primary objective of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
a) To promote military cooperation
b) To eliminate poverty and inequality
c) To establish a global currency
d) To create a world government

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Answer: b) To eliminate poverty and inequality

23: The United Nations officially came into existence on which date?
a) October 24, 1945
b) January 1, 1950
c) June 26, 1945
d) November 11, 1918

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Answer: a) October 24, 1945

24: Which of the following countries is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council?
a) Australia
b) Brazil
c) Canada
d) Russia

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Answer: d) Russia

25: Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations as of 2023?
a) Ban Ki-moon
b) António Guterres
c) Kofi Annan
d) Boutros Boutros-Ghali

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Answer: b) António Guterres

26: The United Nations was created to succeed which previous international organization?
a) League of Nations
b) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
c) European Union
d) United Nations Economic and Social Council

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Answer: a) League of Nations

27: Which United Nations body focuses on humanitarian assistance and development in conflict-affected regions?
a) United Nations Security Council
b) United Nations General Assembly
c) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
d) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHa)

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Answer: d) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHa)

28: What is the term for the principle that each member state of the United Nations has an equal vote in the General Assembly?
a) One-state, one-vote
b) Proportional representation
c) Security Council rule
d) Veto power

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Answer: a) One-state, one-vote

29: Which country is the host of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEa), an organization related to the United Nations?
a) France
b) Switzerland
c) Austria
d) Germany

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Answer: c) Austria

30: The United Nations promotes the concept of “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) in situations of mass atrocities. What is the main idea behind this concept?
a) The right of nations to use force for any reason
b) The responsibility of the international community to intervene to protect civilians from mass atrocities
c) The duty of nations to expand their territories
d) The promotion of unilateral military action

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Answer: b) The responsibility of the international community to intervene to protect civilians from mass atrocities

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