English – Is it Really Tough? Let’s See

In today’s era, English has become Inevitable. I am writing this article, not to tell you how to speak or write in English. I know you all can do it. This article is purely dedicated to the people who have the desire to learn and improve themselves.

Is English Tough? – A question which probably has many answers other than yes or no. But let me go blunt and straight- Yes. It is. Remember, so are your exams.

When you are competent enough to crack the India’s most prestigious exams then believe me English is just a piece of cake for you. You can easily slice it. All you require is patience and Persistence. Never learn English from the exam point of view. Learn it to groom and enhance your personality.

Now, as I move forward with this Article. I want you to drop all your worries in the water and read this article with open and pristine mind.

Strategy for Improving English

Most of the people tend to be more inclined towards General awareness and Current Affairs Section but if one has a good hold in English while appearing for the competitive exams. It is like Icing on the cake.

Here are the beautiful 5 steps to enhance your English.

1: Believe

There are some students who are academically very sound but they lag behind in English. Reasons can be many like they didn’t get the privilege to study in the English Medium School or teacher didn’t teach well …blah…blah…  Whatever be the reason, Remember, you cannot cry over split milk.

Everyone has a weak point. No one can be genius on every Subject. If you struggle with English, there are some students who find mathematics difficult, some find Geography difficult and so on….

Now, when you have already chosen these exams as your last destination. There is no looking back- You have to come out with flying colors. So, first thing is which is utmost needed is- Believe you can.

2: Factors:

To hit the nail on the head, you have to keep some Factors in mind while preparing English.

What are they?

  • Tenses: Proper use of tenses is very important. You cannot escape this.

Check this Link – Basics of English

  • Keen understanding of Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb and Adjective: Now, you must be thinking, why you should read them as you are already aware of these terms. But remember my friends; it is good to start fresh.
  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary is the most important factor among all. Here are some tips to get a good grip over Vocabulary.
    •  Make it a strict point to learn 5 words daily.
    • Write them in a notebook.
    • Make sentence using the word and pen it down.
    • Try to use those 5 words in your daily conversation.
    • Ask your friends to do the same and at the end of the day exchange the words you learned.
    • You will be surprised to see that you actually learned 10 words in a single day. Believe me, It is fun too.
    • Solve antonym, Synonym and Vocabulary Quiz.
  • Proper Grammar: Use of proper grammar is very important. Most of the people think they know the how to write and read English but actually they lag behind in proper use of grammar. Remember, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.
  • Avoid messaging in Improper English: These days’ people are addicted to messaging in Improper English. Unfortunately, this has become the trend among youths. It may sound weird but it does affect your writing skills. For eg: Hw r u? This is the worst thing to do. Because, you are used to such messages, you unintentionally do the same when you appear in your exams. From Now, Please try to write your comments, messages in proper English. It may take time but it is worth.
  • Dictionary:  Keep Dictionary like a companion. Carry it wherever you go. If you have a smart phone, then download the dictionaries app. So, whenever you come across with an unknown word, search it immediately.

3- Accept Mistakes:

No one ever learned a new language without making mistakes. When we start learning a new language, we are like children. We have to try new words and see if they work. So, even if you speak or write wrong English, don’t be ashamed of it. Accept and Laugh at your mistakes. Be happy- You tried and gave somebody a reason to laugh at. Be positive, this is how people grow.

 4-Reading and Writing

Reading is bliss and believe me it is the key to learn English. Reading, no doubt improvises your English. Since, you are preparing for competitive exams, I will not suggest you to read novels, but yes, if you get time, you should read some good novels.

I will suggest you to read Newspaper. Is reading newspaper is enough? No, Just a mere reading through newspaper will lead u nowhere.

  • Read the newspaper early in the morning.
  • Make concise notes and pen them down in a notebook.
  • Pick any topic, Read it loud.
  • Pick an important topic and debate with your friends, exchange your views.
  • Choose the newspaper which fulfills your purpose.
  • Skip the un-necessary parts like news related to Murders, abduction etc..
  • List out few topics (Important for exams)
    • Write an essay on the topic.
    • List down the pros and cons of the topic.
    • Write your views on it.
    • Write down, if you would have been a minster or a required authority. What you would have done to settle the situation.
    • Show your write up to a wise person and ask them to give a fair view and tips to improve.
  • Write comments in a proper English whenever you grow through any articles, blogs.

5- Choose the Best:

Choice always matter. Whether choosing the right career, right college and right partner – Choice plays an important role. Here, I am talking about books. Choose your books wisely. Pick one book and follow it religiously.

Now, which one book you should Choose?

Here are some books which we will recommend you:

  • Norman Lewis- Word Power Made Easy.
  • Oxford Guide to English Grammar
  • Wren and Martin

6: Analysis and be a Smart Worker:

I am sure- you are a hard worker. Each person does hard work but those who do smart work achieve more.  You have to analyse and do something  smart in order to achieve the target.  Approximately, 60% of the nation is preparing for government exams and they are willing to put hell and heaven together to clear. But, what more is needed to clear is systematic study.

Explore yourself, Analyze the exam you are preparing for, Analyze the marks English holds for your particular exam, then, chalk out a proper plan and go for it.

English requires patience and persistence. If you work on these 2 P. I assure you; you will hit the bull’s eye. From my own experience, I am telling you- English is a Fun language. When you get to know English, Believe me, you will be in love with English.

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