Chess Prodigy, Aryan, becomes the second youngest IM

Chess prodigy Aryan Chopra who resides in Delhi has become India’s second youngest International Master. He has finished 6th in A section of the Latvian Open with 6.5 games in 9 games and rating performance of 2634.

Aryan is only 13 years old. Aryan has added about 250 Elo points to his ally through consistent performance.

Some facts about Chess:

  • the number of possible ways of playing the first four moves for both sides in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.
  • The word “Checkmate” in Chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah Mat,” which means “the King is dead.”
  • The first chess game played between space and earth was on June 9, 1970 by the Soyez-9 crew. The game ended in a draw.
  • A computer called DeepThought became the first computer to beat an international grandmaster in November 1988, Long Beach, California.
  • Dr. Emanuel Lasker from Germany retained theWorld Chess Champion titlefor more time than any other player ever: 26 years and 337 days.

Some Reated Question:

How many squares are there on a chess board?

View Answer
Answer 64. This is the most possible and sensible answer but if you count the big squares as 1 and you also count the small square, then the answer will be 204. But remember whenever this question is asked in exams, then you must answer 64.

Who is the first Indian Grandmaster in Chess?

View Answer
Answer Viswanathan Anand became India’s first grandmaster in 1988.


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