B’luru Cricket stadium To light up with Solar Power

The tech-hub Bangluru’s stadium, The M. Chinnaswamy cricket stadium has introduced modern technology with photo voltaic cells fixed on its circular rooftop to generate solar power.  It is the first stadium in the country to install solar panels on rooftop.

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  • It will generate about 1700 units of power daily.
  • It has been Set up under the Indo-German environmental partnership and installed by RonXSol Ecotech.
  • The solar panels will generate 440 kilovolts or six lakh units per annum.
  • The combined solar panels will have the potential to generate 18 lakhs units per year to meet about 40%-50% of its peak requirement.
  • Karnataka stat Cricket Association (KSCA) have invested Rs 3crore to install the solar panel on eastern side.
  • KSCA official said they will be saving Rs. 40-50 Lakh on electricity bills by using solar energy for their needs.