First Bionic eye fitted to British pensioner in world

A British pensioner has become the first person in the world to be fitted with a bionic eye to fix the most common form of blindness in a landmark operation. He is the first person in the world to have both artificial and natural vision combined.

Description of the person:

  • Name: Ray Flynn
  • Age:80
  • has been unable to make out faces since he developed Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) eight years ago.

About operation:

  •  In June he was fitted with an electrical implant which sends a video feed directly to the undamaged cells in his retina from a tiny camera attached to his glasses.
  • Mr Flynn can not only recognise the faces of his family and watch television in more detail, but while wearing the special video glasses he can even see with his eyes shut.
Bionic Eye
  1.  It is an eye device to restore a sense of vision to people with retinitis pigmentosaand age-related macular degeneration.
  2. This bionic eye system will consist of a small digital camera, external processor and a implant with a microchip and stimulating electrodes surgically placed in the back of the eye.
  3. To benefit from this technology, patients need to have a functional visual pathway from the retina to the brain along the optic nerve, as well as some intact retinal cells.
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
  1. AMD is a common eye condition and a leading cause of vision loss among people age 50 and older.
  2. It causes damage to the macula, a small spot near the center of the retina and the part of the eye needed for sharp, central vision, which lets us see objects that are straight ahead.
  3. AMD by itself does not lead to complete blindness, with no ability to see.
  4. In U.K. most of the people are affected y disease.

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