Reasoning Quiz – 75 (S.A)

Five friends A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench.
1) A is sitting next to B.
2) C is sitting next to D.
3) D is not sitting with E.
4) E is on the left end of the bench.
5) C is on second position from right.
6) A is on the right side of B and to the right side of E.
7) A and C are sitting together.

1. At what position is A sitting?
a) Between B and C
b) Between D and C
c) Between E and D
d) Between C and E
e) None of these

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Answer a) Between B and C

2. Who is sitting at the centre?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E

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Answer a) A

3. What is the position of B?
a) Second from right
b) Centre
c) Extreme left
d) Second from left
e) None of these

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Answer d) Second from left

4. What is the position of D?
a) Extreme left
b) Extreme Right
c) Third from left
d) Second from left
e) None of these

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Answer b) Extreme Right

5. Who is sitting between A and E?
a) B
b) C
c) D
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these

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Answer a) B Solution: Untitled

1) P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting along the circle table facing the centre.
2) T is 2nd to the left of P.
3) R is 3rd to the right of U who is the immediate left of V
4) Q is between P and S.

1. Which of the following is true statement?
a) P is between Q and T
b) R is between P and V
c) P is 4th to the right of U
d) U between V and Q
e) None of these

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Answer a) P is between Q and T

2. Which of the following pairs has its second member sitting to the immediate left of first member?
a) VT
b) PQ
c) SU
d) UV
e) None of these

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Answer e) None of these

3. Which of the following is the false statement?
a) R is the immediate left of P
b) V’ is to the immediate right of T
c) R is 4th to the right of S
d) T is between V and R
e) None of these

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Answer b) V’ is to the immediate right of T

4. What is the position of S?
a) To the immediate left of U
b) Between V and Q
c) 3rd to the right of T
d) To the immediate right of P
e) None of the above

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Answer a) To the immediate left of U

5. Which of the following pairs has members sitting adjacent to each other?
a) PS
b) QU
c) UT
d) TR
e) None of these

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Answer d) TR Solution: Untitled