National Birds Day 2024 is observed on January 05

The United States of America makes January 5 National Bird Day to bring attention to how important birds are to our environment.

Today is set aside to remind us all that birds are beautiful animals that belong in nature and shouldn’t be caught or kept as pets. They should be able to live freely.

According to the Avian Welfare Coalition, the day was first observed by them. Their goal is to raise knowledge about birds that are caught or kept as pets for money or for entertainment.

Birds Day

Birds Day

Why National Birds Day Is Important

Birds are one of the most beautiful animals in the world. They make our hearts happier with their singing, they fly over and make us happy, and sometimes they are just too beautiful to look at.

Besides that, though, they are also important parts of the environment. Now is the time for us to work together to protect them and make sure they have a good environment to grow in.

National Birds Day is held every year to bring attention to the problems that arise when birds are caught, cruelly treated, or raised in cages for entertainment and profit.

Putting birds or other animals in cages is against the law and morally wrong, and we should try to make sure they have a better life.

National Birds Day: How It Began

In the United States, National Birds Day has been held since 2002. The date of this event was chosen because it is also the day of the annual Christmas Bird Count.

The national holiday is celebrated in the United States, where people hold hands to learn about the health and beauty of birds in the country.

Theme on National Birds Day 2024

‘Right To Fight’ is the theme of National Birds Day 2024. It looks like a bird flying, which stands for freedom.

The Avian Welfare Coalition Alliance wants to reduce the suffering of birds by bringing more attention to the harmful bird trade, the real reasons behind cruel bird breeding mills, and the ways that the government can help birds that are currently in captivity.