English Quiz – Forty Five (Mixed Topics)

1. Medical ethics _______ a doctor to have an affair with the patient.
a) Censure
b) forbid
c) Contraindicate
d) Disallow

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Answer: b) forbid. 

2. Putin’s Overwhelming victory clearly shows that what Russian wants is strong leader who will ______Mother Russia to her pride and glory.
a) Restate
b) Restore
c) Rescue
d) Retrieve

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Answer: b) Restore

3. The new office block is a/an_____ on the landscape.
a) Humiliation
b) Ugliness
c) Excrescence
d) Oddity

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Answer: d) Oddity.

4. I have no__________motive in offering this advice, I seek no personal advantage.
a) Magnanimous
b) Implied
c) Altruistic
d) Ulterior

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Answer: d) Ulterior.

5. The young man was quickly prompted when his employers saw how_______he was.
a) Indolent
b) Cursory
c) Assiduous
d) Indigent

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Answer: c) Assiduous.

6. Gang of youth went AT THE RAMPAGE in the city yesterday.
a) with the rampage
b) on the rampage
c) over the rampage
d) No improvement

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Answer b) on the rampage

7. The whole family RALLIED ROUND when mother was ill.
a) Rallied over
b) Rallied at
c) Rallied with
d) No improvement

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Answer d) no improvement.

8. The building is a PRIME example of 1960s architecture.
a) Primary
b) Paramount
c) Primitive
d) No improvement

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Answer d) no improvement.

9. Bogus Social workers have been PREYING OVER old people living alone.
a) Preying with
b) Preying at
c) Preying on
d) No improvement

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Answer c) Preying on.

10. The negotiation WILL CALL FOR CONSIDERABLE dexterity.
a) will call considerable
b) will call at considerable
c) will call with considerable
d) No improvement

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Answer d) No improvement.

11. What is the meaning of “To show a clean pair of heels”?
a) To lead  
b) To escape  
c) To flaunt    
d) To be an arrogant person

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Answer b) To escape

12. What is the meaning of “Sow one’s wild oats”?
a) To do some wild and foolish things in one’s youth
b) to be useful to someone in future
c) A misfit
d) To feel comfortable

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Answer a) To do some wild and foolish things in one’s youth.

13. What is the meaning of “Strike while Iron is hot”?
a) To withdraw  
b) To indulge in a fight   
c) To make the most of the suitable opportunity  
d)To be possessive

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Answer c) To make the most of the suitable opportunity.

14. What is the meaning of “Take the bull by the horns”?
a) To be in one’s favor 
b) To be an animal lover  
c) very friendly   
d) To face an opponent directly

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Answer d) To face an opponent directly.

15. What is the meaning of “Thin end of the wedge”?
a) make space   
b) a small beginning  
c) survive    
d) To bat the end
e) In prosperity and adversity

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Answer b) small beginning.

16. What is the opposite of Spunk?
a) Success
b) Lack of Intelligence
c) Timidity
d) Loss of Prestige

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Answer c) Timidity

17. What is the opposite of Lampoon
a) Abandon
b) Praise
c) Darken
d) Sail

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Answer b) Praise

18. What is the opposite of Jaded?
a) Upright
b) Stimulated
c) Void
d) Aspiring

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Answer b) Stimulated