English Quiz ( Spotting Error) for SBI | IBPS – Set 386

English Quiz ( Spotting Error) for SBI | IBPS – Set 386

DIRECTIONS:(1-10) In each of the questions, there’s error in any two parts of the sentences. You have to identify the same and if there’s no error according to you, then mark option five as your answer.

1. History can also refer to the academic discipline(A) that uses a narrative to examine and analyse(B) an sequence of past events, and objectively determine(c) the patterns of cause and effect that determine them(D).
a) BC
b) CA
c) BC
d) No error

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Answer c) BC
In B replace ‘that’ by ‘Which’.
In C replace ‘an ‘ by ‘a’.

2.Ancient influences has (A) helped spawn variant interpretations of(B) the nature of history which have evolve over(C) the centuries and continue to change today(D).
a) AC
b) AB
c) BD
d) None of these

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Answer a) AC
In A replace ‘has’ by ‘have’.
In C replace ‘evolve’ by ‘evolved’.

3.The Congress leader further said that(A) her brother was wrongly portray by BJP for a decade and yet(B) he had the courage to go to the another side of(C) the Parliament and hug the man who called his mother names(D).
a) CD
b) BC
c) AB
d) No Error

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Answer b) BC
In B replace ‘Portray’ by ‘portrayed’.
In C replace ‘another’ by ‘other’.

4.Intellectual history and the history of ideas emerged(A) in the mid-20th century, with the focus on the intellectuals(B) and their books in the one hand, and on the other the study of (C)ideas as disembodied object with a career of their own(D).
a) BD
b) CD
c) DA
d) No error

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Answer b) CD
In C replace ‘in the one hand’ by ‘on the one hand’.
In D replace ‘object’ by ‘objects’.

5.The Oxford tutors, who have more votes than the professors,(A) fought back in defence of their system saying that it successfully produced(B) Britain’s outstanding statesmen, administrators, prelates,(C) and diplomats, and that mission was so valuable as training scholars.(D)
a) BC
b) AB
c) AD
d) No Error

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Answer c) AD
In A replace ‘have’ by ‘had’.
In D replace ‘so’ by ‘as’.

6.The picture was take at the Virunga National Park(A) in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the two gorillas,(B) Ndakasi and Matabishi, has become something of an(C) overnight Internet sensation(D).
a) AC
b) BD
c) BA
d) No Error

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Answer a) AC
In A replace ‘take’ by ‘taken’.
In C replace ‘has’ by ‘have’.

7.During this time, the MP police arrested the other accused(A) on connection with the case from Rajasthan,(B) Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. In 2011, the Indore high court(C) transfer the case to the NIA(D).
a) AD
b) BC
c) BD
d) No Error

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Answer c) BD
In B replace ‘on’ by ‘in’.
In D replace ‘transfer’ by ‘transferred’.

8.The case came to light after the man’s family(A) approach the court with a complaint that (B) their son’s life were in danger inside the jail(C) as he had been subjected to torture by the staff(D).
a) BC
b) DA
c) AC
d) No Error

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Answer a) BC
In B replace ‘approach’ by ‘approached’.
In C replace ‘were’ by ‘was’.

9.The metropolitan magistrate of Karkardooma Courts, whom ordered the inquiry(A), has sought medical examination of the undertrial(B) for the burn imprint on his back and asked the investigators to collect(C) CCTV footage and statements of another inmates about the alleged incident(D).
a) CD
b) BA
c) AD
d) No Error

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Answer c) AD
In A replace ‘Whom’ by ‘who’.
In D replace ‘another’ by ‘other’.

10.The surprise announcement were carried in the Royal Gazette,(A) and footage from Wednesday’s wedding ceremony was later shown(B) in the nightly Royal News segment aired(C) on all Thai television channels(D).
a) DB
b) AC
c) AB
d) No Error

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Answer b) AC
In A replace ‘Were’ by ‘was’.
In C replace ‘in the nightly’ by ‘on the nightly’.