Banking Quiz – 68


1. Euro money is the official currency of?
b) UN
c) European
d) Germany and England
e) None of these

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Answer c) European

2. Which of the following is an example of cash less purchase?
a) Debit card
b) Credit card
c) ATM withdrawal
d) All of the above
e) None

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Answer c) ATM withdrawal

3. Whose signature appears on Indian Rs. 100 note?
a) Finance Minister
b) RBI Governor
c) Finance Secretary
d) Chairman, Planning Commission
e) None

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Answer b) RBI Governor

4. While discussing investments there is a mention of short term government security. What is this investment?
a) Debenture
b) Mutual funds
c) Treasury bill
d) Share
e) None of these

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Answer c) Treasury bill

5. NBFCs are an important part of the Indian financial system. what is meant by this term?
a) New Banking Financial Companies
b) Non Banking Financial Companies
c) Neo Banking Financial Confederation
d) Non banking Fiscal Companies
e) None

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Answer b) Non Banking Financial Companies

6. Banking loan against property requires the asset to be free from encumbrances. What does it mean?
a) The asset to be free from any liability
b) The asset to be properly registered
c) The property to be fully constructed
d) The asset should not have multiple owners
e) None

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Answer a) The asset to be free from any liability

7. RBI stipulates a healthy mix of CASA in the business figures of banks. What is CASA?
a) Customer Analysis and Savings Pattern
b) Cost Appreciation and selling Analysis
c) Current Account and saving Account
d) Credit and savings Aggregate
e) None of these

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Answer c) Current Account and saving Account

8. Which one of the following is not an electronic banking delivery channel?
a) Mobile Vans
d) Mobile Phone Banking
c) Internet Banking
d) Tele Banking
e) ATM

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Answer a) Mobile Vans

9. The Rate at which the domestic currency can be converted into foreign currency and vice-versa is known as the ____
a) Exchange rate
c) Inter bank Call money rate
d) Base rate

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Answer a) Exchange rate

10. Now-a-days Banks are selling third party products. Example of third party product is?
a) Mutual funds
b) Term deposits
c) Credit cards
d) All of these
e) None

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Answer a) Mutual funds

11. Electronic Clearing Service in banks can be availed only by?
a) Individuals
b) Corporates
c) Senior Citizens
d) All of these
e) None

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Answer d) All of these