PhraseMix – Conquering Phobia

1. Get on the ball
Meaning : to get focused on the goal
Example : If you haven’t started your research project yet, you need to get on the ball.

2. Out of nowhere
Meaning : unexpected
Example : That surprise quiz came out of nowhere.

3. Put a sock in it
Meaning : be quiet
Example : My loud neighbors really need to put a sock in it.

4. Rally the troops
Meaning : to gather friends together
Example : We’re going to rally the troops then head to the basketball game.

5. Something’s fishy
Meaning : something’s strange
Example : All the lights are off in the house and door is open, something’s fishy.

6. Spill the beans
Meaning : to tell the secret
Example : I told Jessica my biggest secret, she then spilled the beans to the whole class.

7. Spur of the moment
Meaning : to make a random decision
Example : I decided to drive to Colorado on the spur of the moment.

8. The stars have aligned
Meaning : the moment is right
Example : The stars have aligned because it’s his birthday and he won the lottery.

9. The last straw
Meaning : the last thing that causes everything to fail
Example : My recent sprained ankle was the last straw; I need to get surgery now.

10. Up a creek without a paddle
Meaning : in a bad situation
Example : Yesterday my car ran out of gas and then my phone ran out of battery, I was up a creek without a paddle.

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