Muscle-building supplements and Testicular Cancer

Muscle-building supplements are more likely to develop testicular cancer

 According to recent research Tongzhang Zheng,  Yale University reported that there is an association between developing testicular cancer among men who start using supplement before the age 25. The supplements in the form of pills or powder contain creatine or androstenedione which are responsible for developing testicular cancer.  If you used at earlier age, you had a higher risk. If you used them for longer time, you had a higher risk. If you used multiple types, you had a higher risk.

Zheng study says that Testicular cancer incidence rose to 5.9 cases per 100,000 men in 2011 whereas it was only 3.7 cases in 100,000 in 1975. The researchers found that the men who used supplements had a 1.65 odds ratio (a 65-percent greater risk) of having developed testicular cancer interestingly to the men who don’t use supplements.

Use of Muscle-building supplements can be consider an important and modifiable exposure in the research community that might have important scientific and clinical importance for preventing testicular germ cell cancer development, if this association is confirmed by future studies, the authors conclude in the study.


  •       There is a strong correlation between Muscle-building supplement and developing testicular cancer.
  •       Supplements contain creatine or androstenedione are primarily responsible to develop Germ cell cancer.
  •        Men who used supplements at an early age or continue to use for longer time are at higher risk.
  •        In 1975 there were 3.7 cases and rose upto 5.9 cases in 2011.


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