Hindi Ranked 10th In World Power Language Index, English On The Top

Hindi is considered as 10th most powerful language in the ‘World Power Language Index‘ published by World Economic Forum on december 2, 2016. As we know Hindi is most Primarily Spoken Language of india with a share of 41%, Hindi is also the official language of indian government.

  • English has been ranked first in the top 10 most powerful languages in the world according to the 2016 World Power Language Index (PLI). The index was published by World Economic Forum (WEF).
  • Top 10 Languages in 2016 PLI: English (1st), Mandarin (2nd), French (3rd), Spanish (4th), Arabic (5th), Russian (6th), German (7th), Japanese (8th), Portuguese (9th) and Hindi (10th).
  • There are over 6,000 languages spoken in the world today, but some 2,000 of them count fewer than 1,000 speakers.
  • Moreover, just 15 account for half of the languages spoken in the world.
  • In a globalized world with multilingual societies, knowledge of languages is paramount in facilitating communication and in allowing people to participate in society’s cultural, economic and social activities.
  • To understand the efficacy of language (and by extension culture), consider the doors (“opportunities”) opened by it. Broadly speaking, there are five opportunities provided by language:
    • Geography: The ability to travel
    • Economy: The ability to participate in an economy
    • Communication: The ability to engage in dialogue
    • Knowledge and media: The ability to consume knowledge and media
    • Diplomacy: The ability to engage in international relations

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