High Level Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for SBI PO–Set-3

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Direction (qus 1-5 ) The following table show the percentage population above poverty line for states A, B, C, D , and E in 2003.
DI 3

1)In which state is the maximum male population  blow poverty line?

a) A           b)B                c)D           d) can’t be determined .

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Total population of each of state in not given  .

2) If the female population blow poverty line in state D is 6.3 million , find the female population above poverty line ?

a) 38 million      b)28 million   c)25 million    d)32 million

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Percentage population  above poverty line is given =84%
so, % population below poverty line is =16%

9/16 of 16% =6.3 million

9% = 6.3 million

= >   10/21 x84% =40%   = > 6.3/9 x40% = 28 million

3)If the female population above poverty line in state A is  3.6 million more than the female population above poverty line in state D , find the difference between total population of state A and state D ?

a) 9 million      b)10 million      c) 19 million     d) can’t say

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3) Ans-a)9million

At, 1st  glance data seems in adequate for question .

Let, total population of state A and state D is X and Y respectively ,

Female population  above  poverty line  in state A = 5/9 of 72% of X  = 40% of X

Female population above poverty line in state D = 10/21 of 84% of Y = 40% of y

According to the qus,

40%of x – 40% of Y = 3.6

40% (X-Y ) =3.6
== >X-Y = 9million

NOTE:  If the percentages are different we can’t solve the problem .

4) If the percentage of male population below the poverty line in state C and state E together is 15% , find the % male population  above poverty line in state C  and E together ?

a) 35.5%             b)32.4%           c) 37.8%         d)can’t

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4) Ans-b)32.4%

Percentage of male population below poverty line in state C = 6/11 of 44 % =24%

And that in state E = 5/12 of 24% = 10%

Combining both state we have 15% male population below poverty line ,obviously 15% is weighted mean of 24%  and 10%


C                          E

24%   ———–10%



Therefore, total population of C and E are in ratio = 5:9

Now % of male population above poverty line  in state C =13/28 of 56% = 26%

That in state E = 9/19 of 76% = 36%

Required percentage =  (26×5 + 36x 9) /5+9  = 130+324 /14 = 454 /14 = 32.4 %

5)If the female population above poverty line in state C is  greater than the female population above poverty line in state B , which of the following definitely  true ?

a) population of C > population of B

b) population of C< population of B

c) population of C= population of B

d) can’say .

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5)Ans- d)can’t say

Let the total population of state C and state B  be X andY respectively ,

According to qus ,

15/28 of 56% of X > 7/16 of 64% of Y

== > 30% of X >  28% of Y

So, X >Y  or  X<Y  or  X=Y,

Direction (qus 6-10) in each of the following qus. a number series is given with one wring number . find that wrong number .

6) 2 ,3 ,6 , 15 , 45 , 156.5, 630

a)3      b)15    c) 156.5      d)2

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6) Ans –c)156.5
The series is  x1.5 ,x1 ,x2.5, x3 so on …

7)36, 20, 12, 18, 6,  5.5, 4.5

a) 5.5   b)12   c)36   d) 5.5

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7) Ans –a)5.5

The series is -16 , -8 , -4 ,-2 -1 , -.5

8) 1, 3, 9, 31,  128, 651, 3313

a)1       b)31     c)128  d)3313

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 8) Ans – c)128

the series is x1+2, x2+3 ,x3+4 so on …….

9)2, 3, 10, 40, 172, 855, 5346

a)3      b)10    c)40     d)855

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The series is x1+ 1^2 ,  x2+2^2, x3+3^2 , so on………

10) 5, 8, 16, 26, 50, 98, 194

a)16    b)8     c)26      d)50

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The series is  x2-2


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